This project sets out to open a window onto the past through oral histories, personal stories, images, texts and memories concerning the Stonewall Rebellion of 1969 and its aftermath. This singularly important event was the catalyst for a worldwide LGBT rights movement. In collecting and presenting the documents on this site, the goal is to develop insight into the way culture constructs historical narrative; in this case, through the radical counterculture of the late 1960's. My hope is that this resource will offer members of the community a greater appreciation of the diversity, complexity and uniqueness of LGBT experiences.

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This flyer from Spring of 1980 announces the "newest" addition to the Gay Liberation movement, Gay Liberation Allows Drag (GLAD) which it states was…

Gay May Day March

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In 1971, a large march, including a women's march and anti war march were planned for May 1st. Gay Liberation Front, the grassroots militant…

I am your worst fear. I am your best fantasy.


Image and text from Ecstasy Magazine (Gay Ecstasy) back page, #24. The photo is enhanced for use in this article. The subject is identified as Donna…

Come Out! Vol 2. No. 7b Spring 1971

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Page announcing Gay Pride Week 1971 in Come Out! Newspaper of Gay Liberation Front (GLF), the militant grassroots organization that grew out of the…

Come Out! Vol 1 No.5

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Cover page and two interior pages concerning a second gay "riot" and an image form the protest march that led to the unrest from the Gay Liberation…

More Radical Than Thou

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An article written by activist Martha Shelley, one of the original founders of Gay Liberation Front, published in their newspaper, Come Out! The…