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Stonewall: Actvism and Identity: Oral Histories and Archive

Christopher Street Liberation Day (CSLD) 1971

The Stonewall Oral History and Archive project was undertaken to document and archive images and artifacts as well as the voices of those involved in the LGBT rights movement. I hope this page will also engage the public in the history of the movement and its legacy. Full transcripts of each of these interviews and others are available here.

Anyone who would like to comment or contribute to the conversation should submit a contribution form with your thoughts and indicate whether you would like to be interviewed or provide a written account.  Either or both may be published on the site in the future.  Any images or documents related to Stonewall are also welcome. Digital files will be archived and displayed on the site.


Documents from the LGBT Community Center National History Archive


These items represent a selection of documents drawn from several collections at the LGBT Community Center National History Archive. Click on the heading at right to view content.

Tina Crosby "Stonewall Riot Remembered"

crosby 9 event.jpg

This paper, written by Tina Crosby in 1974, discusses her interviews with a number of those present during the first night of the Stonewall rebellion including: Craig Rodwell, Bob Kohler, Morty Manford, and Kevin Brew.  Crosby states that she interviewed only 8 people concerning their perspective and memories about the event and notes that contacting a diverse range of people traditionally thought of as being present was difficult. Therefore, she chose to primarily focus on gay men- those who had become integral in the development of the gay rights movement. Click on the link to view facsimile texts.